Thursday, November 17, 2011

Brain Overload

Do you ever feel like there is so much information rolling around in your head that you can't even begin to process it?

Thats how I've felt the last few days.

The past few days have been jam packed with studying, exams, a job interview, frantic house cleaning, going out for dinner, seeing Twilight Breaking Dawn part 1, and packing for my 2 week stay with my Dad in Melbourne. And to top it all off I think I might be getting sick.

Talking about stress, I know everyone reacts to stress differently. For me stress means I'm always tired but I can't sleep, I've been moody and unmotivated, feeling nauseous and turned off food.

I'm home alone tonight, Sam is working in Melbourne. The house is a mess again, and I still have so much to do before I leave for 2 weeks nursing placement in Melbourne. But for now, I'm just going to snuggle with my kitties, drink tea (a magical drink) and watch Friends. The rest can wait.

What is stressing you out at the moment? Do you have any stress busting techniques?

Saturday, November 12, 2011


If there is one thing I'm good at, its not doing stuff. For example, here is a list of things I am not currently doing:

-Studying for my final nursing exam
-Preparing for my job interview on Tuesday
-Putting away the dishes on the sink
-Hanging out the washing
-Doing the 30 Day Shred DVD
-Showering and getting out of my PJs
-Shopping for ingredients to cook dinner tonight.

Why yes, I am still in my pyjamas at 5pm, its a Saturday and I'm home alone, don't judge me.

The problem is that I really should be doing all of those things, preferably before 7, because thats when Sam gets home. He has been working all day, so I like to make it look like I have been at least a tiny bit productive.

It's not all bad news, here are some things I've done today:

-Checked the letterbox (no post on Saturdays)
-Did some pinning on Pinterest
-Tracked my WW points for the day
-Facebook stalked a few people
-Watched some funny youtube videos
-Plucked a strange long hair I found growning out of my arm
-Threw away a container of something I found in the fridge. I think it was once a mushroom risotto.

So this is the part where I run around like a headless chook trying to cram a days worth of activity into an hour and a half. You would think after 22 years of leaving things to the last minute, I would have learned some handy tips for last minute task completion, but sadly my mind draws a blank.

Should you be doing something else right now? Do you have any procrastination busting tips or tricks?

Weighty Issues.

This morning I jumped on my scales and they flashed me a very familiar number: 83.6kg. (Thats 184lbs for you imperial folks). On my 172cm (5'8") frame thats equal to a BMI of 28.3, making me overweight.

I don't really think of myself as overweight or fat. In the last 4 years I've weighed as much as 90kg (198lbs), and as little as 76kg (167lbs). Mentally I've always felt pretty much the same no matter my weight; I'm loud, witty, and comfortable in my own skin. I think having a wonderful fiance who loves me no matter what has a lot to do with my general body confidence.

Physically however, I loathe my current weight. I'm constantly tired, I can't run and jump and play, my thighs rub together in the heat and give me a painful friction rash. Being overweight isn't fun, its a drain on my life that could be relieved by dropping some weight.

But my most pressing reason for wanting to lose weight is the clothes. I'm in love with so many styles I see in the stores and on the streets, yet when I try to wear them I find they either don't look good, don't sit right, or worst of all, don't come in an (Australian) size 16.

Today I joined Weight Watchers online. I've had success with WW in the past, back in 2009 I lost 12kg with them, but I've only managed to keep off half of it. This time around I intend to make it to my goal, complete the maintenance phase, and keep the weight off for life. For now I'm just aiming to lose 5kg, but ideally 10-15 would be great.

So today is day 1! Look out for my update after my first weigh in next Saturday!

Have you lost weight with Weight Watchers or another method? I'd love to hear your story!

Friday, November 11, 2011

A single step.

They say the hardest step is the first one out the door; That even the longest journey starts with a single step. Its the same with blogging, starting is the hardest! You need to think of a good name for your blog, apply a template, try to customise that template, get horribly frustrated with said template, give up for a few hours,and finally write a post.

To gain a bit of inspiration, I went back to good old LiveJournal and read the blog I kept when I was 15-17. Boy was I an angsty little teenager! Even though I was dealing with lots of typical teenage issues that felt like the end of the world, I still kept a regular blog with a handful of regular readers. I loved that blog, in a way it was my best friend. It was always there if I needed to rant and vent about something. Plus, I had friends all over the world in different time zones to share my thoughts with. I miss it now.

So I decided it was high time I started another blog. After a bit of research I settled on scintillaphile. Scintilla meaning 'little spark', 'phile' meaning loving. Because I like to think I love the little sparks in life.

This blog will be about all sorts of little things, and big things too. I've got lots going on between planning my wedding for December 2012, trying to lose 10-15 kilograms, finishing my nursing degree, starting my first real job, and hopefully buying a house!

So, whats going on with you? Do you have a blog I can follow?