Friday, January 6, 2012

A room of one's own. (Well, a corner actually.)

Welcome to my dining room.


Well, actually, it’s not a dining room so much as a 'dining area'


Please excuse the mess in this photo; it’s an old one from when we had just moved in, hence the boxes everywhere. Also please try to ignore the hideous curtains, that’s what I do.

This corner of our open plan house has had a lot of different roles. Once upon a time my treadmill was here, (until Sam moved it, grr.). We put our Christmas tree in this corner. Sometimes we even, wait for it, dine in our dining corner. Only if we are being fancy-pants though. We are more eat-off-your-lap-in-from-of-the-TV sort of people.

In my quest to lose weight and gain fitness, I have commandeered this corner. I have put the treadmill back, and added some motivational elements to the walls. Now it looks like this!


Let me talk you through it. On the left you can see a tub full of sports equipment. Sam and I like to take a ball or Frisbee on our walks to mix things up a bit. There is also my yoga mat and some (too heavy for me) weights. Now it’s all neatly in one place instead of sprawled throughout the house.


On the right, I have taped up 3 motivational stories from my Weight Watchers magazine. I tried to pick women who were similar height to me and had similar starting weights and goal weight to me. They have a variety of ages though, 27, 55, and 63. The 63 year old lost over 20 kilograms! I figure if a woman nearly 3 times my age can lose 20kg then I definitely can.


Straight ahead I have a mirror, and some before photos, surrounded by inspirational quotes. I'm anti 'thinspiration', so I chose purely motivational words. In case you can't read them, they say:

-If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
-A year from now you will wish you had started today.
-Victory is measured not in miles, but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more.
-No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everyone on the couch.
And my favourite, and the most important:
-Be kind to yourself.

One thing you can't see well in the above photo is the snapshot stuck to the corner of the mirror. It’s of me at school in 2003, and in the photo I am blissfully happy and carefree. It’s my favourite photo of me because it reminds me of how happy I can be if I give myself permission.


And what is that in the bottom right hand corner? My very own star chart! It has weight loss milestones written on, and rewards scattered in 2.5kg increments. All I need now are some star stickers, the love hearts ones I found in my desk will do for now.

Now to be honest, I haven't been for a run or walk on the treadmill yet. I have been admiring it from afar all day though. Maybe tomorrow I'll jump on for a bit. For now though, Cleo has inspected the area and given her approval.


Isn't she the cutest little thing?

So that’s my very own fitness corner! What do you think? Do you have a dedicated area for fitness at your house or do you prefer the gym or local park?

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