Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Confession Time.

Remember my wonderful fitness corner I wrote about 12 days ago here?

Well, I've been on that treadmill exactly zero times since then. Major fail.

Something just isn't clicking, and I don't know what it is. I seem to be self sabotaging at every opportunity. Why? How? I don't have the answers.

The only thing I can think of is that maybe subconciously afraid of reaching my potential and being a fit healthy person. For a few days I eat healthy with no trouble, and I see the scales shift downwards. Next thing I know I'm eating hot chips and chocolate. How do I get the strength to say 'NO!' to that loud little voice in my head that directs me to buy and binge on unhealthy foods.

Surely I'm not the only one struggling with this problem. Do you struggle with eating healthily and exercising? Do you have great self control and if so how did you get it?

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